Brief description
An environmental classification developed in conjunction with the NSW Marine Parks Authority Research Committee. For more information see: Breen D.A. and R.P. Avery. (2002). Broad-scale biodiversity assessment of the Manning Shelf marine bioregion. Draft final report for the NSW Marine Parks Authority. Copies of the report may be borrowed from the library: Environment Australia, GPO Box 787, Canberra ACT 2601 Australia. This coverage is intended for used in regional level marine conservation assessment. It was prepared using very low cost techniques (ie. unrectified API) and should not be relied upon for navigation purposes. This represents an historic dataset providing transparency on the 2002 marine park systematic planning process. This product is one of three related datasets used in the assessment process: "NSW Ocean Ecosystems 2002", "NSW Estuarine Ecosystems 2002" & "NSW Marine Habitats 2002" ----------------------------------- This record describes the environmental classification of nine habitat surrogates (mangrove, seagrass, saltmarsh, subtidal sediment, beach, intertidal rocky shore, subtidal reef and island). The full study also describes classes for each of the five major estuary ecosystems, and the four ocean ecosystems classified by depth.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: notPlannedNotes
CreditState of New South Wales and Office of Environment and Heritage 2012.
The purpose of the mapping was for use in assessments to identify potential locations for marine protected areas in NSW.
Created: 30 05 2002
text: westlimit=149.285396895; southlimit=-37.6025450557; eastlimit=154.29516252; northlimit=-27.6439985291
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(REPORT - Broadscale biodiversity assessment of the Manning Shelf region [direct download])
(Original metadata record [NSW OEH Catalogue])
uri :
global : 4739e4b0-4dba-4ec5-b658-02c09f27ab9a
- global : 9a94d1ba-8509-4d78-8b55-d25fd222cdff