Brief description
Infringement Notices issued by the **Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing** under the following legislation: *Nature Conservation (Protected Areas Management) Regulation 2006*; *Forestry Act 1959 (and its regulation)*; *Recreation Areas Management Act 2006 (and its regulation)*; *Marine Parks Act 2004 (and its regulation)*.Full description
PINs issued by NPRSR under the Nature Conservation (Protected Areas Management) Regulation 2006PINs issued by NPRSR under the Forestry Act 1959 (and its regulation)
PINs issued by NPRSR under the Recreation Areas Management Act 2006 (and its regulation)
PINs issued by NPRSR under the Marine Parks Act 2004 (and its regulation)
Forestry Act 1959 |
Marine Parks Act 2004 |
Nature Conservation Regulation 2006 |
Recreation Areas Management Act 2006 |
penalty infringement notices |
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