
A novel lipid sensitive kinase and its role in obesity-induced inflammation and insulin resistance. [ 2010 - 2012 ]

Also known as: A novel hierarchical regulator of obesity-induced inflammation and insulin resistance

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Mark Febbraio (Principal investigator) ,  Dr Anthony Sadler Dr Graeme Lancaster Prof Bryan Williams

Brief description It is now apparent that obesity leads to chronic low grade inflammation which results in insulin resistance or pre-diabetes. The mechanisms that link obesity-induced inflammation to insulin resistance are not well understood, but involve lipid oversupply. We have preliminary data identifying that a protein, not known to previously play a role in metabolic diseases, is a critical mediator of lipid-induced inflammation. We will investigate the clinical potential of blocking this protein.

Funding Amount $AUD 560,045.45

Funding Scheme NHMRC Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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