
Novel Architecture for Next Generation Wireless Relay Networks [ 2008-06-01 - 2013-12-31 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: A/Prof Tadeusz Wysocki (Chief Investigator) ,  mehran abolhasan (Chief Investigator)

Brief description Novel Architecture for Next Generation Wireless Relay Networks. The proposed project will provide a diverse range of benefits for the nation, by providing future solutions to address a number of key telecommunication networking requirements in Australia. One such area is the provision of broadband connectivity to rural and remote regions of Australia. It is well known, that wireless relay networks could potentially provide low-cost networking infrastructure for rural and remote communities. The solutions developed in this project will enable a wider deployment of such networks, as they would increase the capacity of these networks both in terms of bandwidth and their coverage. This is of major benefit to Australia, due to our large desert land-mass and sparsely populated remote and rural communities.

Funding Amount $295,000

Funding Scheme Discovery Projects

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