Brief description
HyVista Corporation acquired hyperspectral data over the Ningaloo Marine Park area in North-West Western Australia between the 20th of April 2006 and the 2nd of May 2006. A shallow water reflectance model (3-bottom component) was used to determine the bathymetry and benthic cover albedo by inverting reflectance data. This was also separated into 11 blocks of data (blocks A to F) covering Ningaloo Reef.Lineage
Statement: A shallow water reflectance model (3-bottom component) was used to determine the Bathymetry and benthic cover albedo by inverting reflectance data. Reflectances were determined from HyMap radiance data using using TAFKAA with DALEC vicarious calibration (Dec 07). Bathymetry data for each flight line was tide corrected using the excel file "Hyperspectral_flight_line_corrections.xls" issued by Ryan Lowe - UWA (5th June 2008). All mosaics have been generated using HyVista Corp-supplied GLT files (Nov 2008) in ENVI 4.5Notes
CreditThe Ningaloo hyperspectral imagery was funded by BHP-Billiton through Australian Institute of Marine Science. It was collected by HyVista Corporation and bathymetry data from this imagery was processed by Remote Sensing and Satellite Research Group, Curtin University of Technology and Wojciech Klonowski.
Created: 02 03 2009
text: westlimit=113; southlimit=-24.25; eastlimit=114.5; northlimit=-21.5; projection=EPSG:28349
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- global : 8360fd87-d346-4643-b625-499aa96071db