Brief description
Remote sampling (TOWVID, BRUVS) of corals and fish in outer Shark Bay (Cruise 6082). Diver-based coral and fish surveys at Ningaloo and Muiron Islands (Cruise 6122). To establish spatially replicated baseline data for Ningaloo, the Muiron Islands and outer Shark Bay suitable for monitoring changes in community condition and attributing these to major disturbances, whether background exposure to temperature anomalies, cyclones or other natural perturbations, or in the unlikely event of a major hydrocarbon release from Oil and Gas activities in the region. Baseline surveys will use AIMS Long-Term Monitoring (LTM) methods and experimental design approach, which are a global benchmark for quantifying changes in benthic and fish communities, and will enable direct comparison of Ningaloo and the Muiron Islands plus outer Shark Bay with baseline datasets from other reefs of the NW shelf, e.g., the Rowley Shoals and Scott Reef, other offshore submerged banks and shoals, as well as with past data collected by AIMS at Ningaloo.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: asNeededNotes
CreditCase, Mark, Mr (Point Of Contact)
Miller, Karen, Dr (Principal Investigator)
Modified: 09 08 2024
text: westlimit=112.763672; southlimit=-25.99755; eastlimit=114.631348; northlimit=-21.575719
Miller K, Depczynski M, Cappo M, Wakeford M, Speed C, Stowar M, Colquhoun J, Tinkler P, Cheal A, Fisher R, Johansson C, Noble M, Radford B (2015) Ningaloo and Outer Shark Bay Environmental Baseline Survey 2014. Report prepared for Woodside Energy Ltd. Australian Institute of Marine Science, Perth (125 pp)
local : 11068/13007
- global : aef13908-fe38-4843-8132-aa85436912f1