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Flux data from the Nimmo High Plains site in the Monaro region of NSW (36 12'57.4"S, 148 33;10.0"E; 1337m). Site is a seasonally grazed (bovine), sub-alpine grassland system comprised principally of Poa spp. and various herbaceous species. Site is subject to seasonal (May-October), intermittent snow cover. Carbon dioxide, water vapour and heat are quantified using an open-path eddy covariance technique. Additional measurements at this site include: temperature, relative humidity, incoming/outgoing shortwave radiation, incoming/outgoing longwave radiation, global and diffuse PAR, outgoing PAR, soil heat flux, soil temperature (5,10,20,30,40,50 cm depths) and soil moisture (5,10,20,30,40,50 cm depths) and rainfall.Data time period: 28 08 2010 to 11 05 2011
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- Handle : 102.100.100/14220
- Local : MONeb5a0d0e-d8a9-4796-b7c6-14ed554f2bd8