Brief description
This record relates to communications outputs of a research project which centered around working with Indigenous communities to raise the profile of the Largetooth Sawfish and support community driven conservation efforts. Some of the items are intended for public viewing (videos and educational signage); but the other outputs are intended for use by the Indigenous communities involved in the sampling (trip reports and Malak Malak annual floodplain sampling protocol and I-Tracker data collection application).Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: notPlannedNotes
CreditNational Environmental Science Program (NESP) Marine Biodiversity Hub
Charles Darwin University (CDU)
North Australia Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance Ltd (NAILSMA)
Created: 2017-01-19
Data time period: 2015-07-01 to 2017-07-01
text: westlimit=134.04574585; southlimit=-14.9490702395; eastlimit=134.8175354; northlimit=-14.353844855
text: westlimit=130.282241821; southlimit=-13.919859443; eastlimit=130.920822144; northlimit=-13.5289745731
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(VIDEO - Save A Sawfish, English AJ [direct play/download, web optimized])
(VIDEO - Save A Sawfish, English DH [direct play/download, web optimized])
(VIDEO - Save A Sawfish, Kriol [direct play/download, web optimized])
(VIDEO - Malak Malak sawfish, English [direct play/download, web optimized])
(DOWNLOAD RAW VIDEOS - a zipped product of the 4 x weboptimized videos above, supplied in their original uncompressed format (with subs) [4.7 GB])
(COMMUNICATION SIGNAGE - Sawfish in Malak Malak (pdf))
(COMMUNICATION SIGNAGE - Sawfish in Numbulwar (pdf))
(COMMUNICATION SIGNAGE - Sawfish in Roper River (pdf))
(DOWNLOAD RAW SIGNAGE - a zipped product of the 3 x compressed files above, supplied in their original resolution [872 MB])
(PROTOCOL DOCUMENTATION - Sawfish patrol and relocation protocol)
(REPORT - 2016 Sawfish ranger exchange: Roper River region)
(REPORT - 2016 Malak Malak floodplain Sawfish survey)
(Explore all project outputs [file browse/download])
uri :
(NESP Project A1 [ANDS RDA record])
purl :
global : e42486aa-40d8-4fb0-96fd-f3c0cc246fd9
- global : 2b1ebdbb-e6c5-4673-b230-d7d2b5eba819