Research Project
Carter, Alex, Dr
(Principal investigator)
Carter, Alex, Dr
(Principal investigator)
Collier, Catherine, Dr
(Principal investigator)
Hogno, Mark
(Principal investigator)
Waller, Natalie
(Principal investigator)
View all 9 related researchers
Brief description This record provides an overview of the NESP Marine and Coastal Hub study - Coastal seagrass of the Gulf of Carpentaria: building knowledge and capacity as a foundation for long-term monitoring. For specific data outputs from this project, please see child records associated with this metadata. The Gulf of Carpentaria has a globally significant seagrass habitat, supporting dugongs, green turtles, and commercially important fish and prawns. Key to managing impacts to species in these habitats, including indirect impacts through land use within southern Gulf catchments, is reliable data on seagrass distribution and how it changes over time. Achieving this requires large-scale mapping and a ranger-led seagrass monitoring program. This project will map intertidal seagrass habitats from the western boundary of the Nijinda Durlga (Gangalidda) and Thuwathu/Bujimulla Indigenous Protected Areas to the Bynoe River near Karumba. This mapping focuses on data-deficient regions along the mainland coastline of the southern Gulf. Surveys will be co-designed and undertaken with rangers. New technologies for monitoring using drones will be collaboratively tested in key locations for ongoing monitoring of coastal habitats by rangers. This will value-add to surveys being conducted around Mornington Island and the Gilbert River in 2023 and contribute towards the development of a regional baseline of seagrass for the Gulf of Carpentaria. Planned Outputs • Seagrass datasets for the Gulf of Carpentaria [spatial dataset] • Final technical report with analysed data and a short summary of recommendations for policy makers of key findings [written]
{Team members: Catherine Collier (JCU), Alex Carter (JCU), Natalie Waller (CLCAC), Mark Hogno (CLCAC), Kathryn McMahon (ECU), Rachel Groom (CDU), Desmond Armstron (CLCAC), Hayden Tyrell (CLCAC)
National Environmental Science Program (NESP) Marine and Coastal Hub
Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW), Australian Government
In addition to NESP (DCCEEW) funding, this project is matched by an equivalent amount of in-kind support and co-investment from project partners and collaborators.
1. Mapping benthic habitats, with a focus on seagrass, using methods consistent with previous and ongoing surveys in northern Australia.
2. Establishing a benchmark of seagrass habitats for Traditional Owners, First Nations communities, rangers, management agencies, industry, and researchers to assess change.
3. Co-design mapping and monitoring methods with Gangalidda Garawa Rangers, Normanton Rangers and scientists with guidance from Traditional Owners, including utilising novel technology such as drones.
4. Interpreting and reporting on survey findings, including co-developed options for ongoing monitoring that can be implemented by Gangalidda Garawa Rangers and Normanton Rangers.
5. Co-funding a PhD that contributes to understanding condition and resilience of tropical Australian seagrass.
Data time period: 2024-02-01 to 2026-12-11
(NESP Marine and Coastal Hub website)
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(Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water NESP website)
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(NESP MaC - Round 4 page)
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