
Neil John Holbrook

Also known as: N J Holbrook, Neil Holbrook, Neil J Holbrook
National Library of Australia
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Brief description

Neil Holbrook uses his background in applied mathematics and physical oceanography, and his expertise in ocean and climate dynamics at seasonal to multi-centennial time scales, to better diagnose the important mechanisms underpinning climate variability and climate change. To reduce the uncertainties associated with human-induced (anthropogenic) climate change, the potential risks associated with abrupt climate change, and the likely changes in climatic extreme events, requires a strong understanding of natural climate variability on all time scales.Neil is one of Australia’s original National Greenhouse Advisory Committee (NGAC) PhD scholars, and has been working in climate change science for 20 years. He has published extensively in the international literature on the ocean’s role in climate, climate variability, climate extremes and climate change. Respected for his climate science and interdisciplinary thinking nationally and internationally, Neil was awarded leadership of Australia’s National Climate Change Adaptation Research Network for Marine Biodiversity and Resources, following a successfully led nationally competitive bid to host this important Network. Neil is President of the International Commission on Climate of IAMAS/IUGG; Associate Editor of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal; and Fellow of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (AMOS). He is USC/UTAS/GU Collaborative Research Network Fellow (Sustainability; University of Tasmania), Visiting Professor at Macquarie University; and an international participant in the Southwest Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate Experiment (SPICE). He has convened numerous symposia at international conferences and has served as Associate Editor of the prestigious Journal of Climate [2006-2008].
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  • AuCNLKIN : abv09874191
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