
The negative transgenerational impacts of paternal obesity are inherited through aberrant methylation and microRNA conetent of germ cells. [ 2012 - 2015 ]

Also known as: You are what your father ate.

Research Grant

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Researchers: Dr Tod Fullston (Principal investigator)

Brief description We have shown that obese fathers have reduced sperm function that negatively impacts upon their offspring’s health. But we do not understand the underlying alterations to sperm DNA that cause offspring to inherit poor health from an obese father, and whether these offspring also exhibit the same alterations. My project aims to identify alterations made to sperm DNA and RNA caused by obesity that are inherited by the next generation, ‘programming’ them for poor metabolic and reproductive health.

Funding Amount $AUD 307,946.17

Funding Scheme Early Career Fellowships

Notes Peter Doherty Biomedical ECF

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