
AGY-4017 | National Works Branch (under section 537 of the Local Government Act) [Department of Works and Local Government]

NSW State Archives Collection
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The National Works Branch was established by 30 June 1936 when the Harbours, Rivers and Bridges Branch of the Department of Public Works divided to become the Harbours and Rivers Branch and the National Works Branch. The Local Government Act, 1919 (Act No 41, 1919) Section 537 re-enacted a provision that had been introduced with the Local Government Act, 1906. This provided for the Governor to proclaim any road, bridge, ferry wharf, public reserve, or 'public work of whatever character in any area' to be a national work . Following this proclamation the work (if new) was subject to the Public Works Act 1912, and if already in existence was to be maintained, managed and administered by the Minister for Public Works. A national work could at any time by proclamation be returned temporarily or permanently to the relevant Council which assumed responsibility for the work. The Minister for Public Works could appoint a Council to be his agent for the control and management of any national work. (1) In 1928 the responsibilities for bridges and ferries situated on main or developmental roads had been transferred to the Main Roads Board which was replaced by the Department of Main Roads in 1932. Gradually these works were 'deproclaimed' as national works. They were then returned to the relevant local government authority and the Department of Main Roads took the responsibility of maintaining and managing them as the Department of Public Works/ Department of Works and Local Government had previously done. (2) In 1935 the Government approved of the transfer of all remaining national works and all similar works in the Western Division. This resulted in a proclamation to this effect on 25 March 1938. (3) Bridges constructed under the Border Railways Act 1922 officially remained the responsibility of the Department of Works and Local Government although the Department of Main Roads was managing them. Consideration was given in 1938 to regularising this arrangement. (4) It is not clear when this eventuated. No proclamations of national works occurred in 1940. (5) The branch had ceased by 1943. Endnotes:
(1) Local Government Act 1919 s. 537 (2) Department of Works and Local Government Annual Report or the year ended 1938 p. 61- 62 in NSW Parliamentary Papers 1938-39-40 Volume 6 p. 5671-572
(3) NSW Government Gazette 25 March 1938 p. 1218 - 1219
(4) Department of Works and Local Government Annual Report or the year ended 1938 p. 62
(5) Department of Works and Local Government Annual Report or the year ended 1940 p. 33 in NSW Parliamentary Papers 1940- 1941 vol. 3 p. 103

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