
Music of Indonesia and Malaysia

David (Aggregated by)
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ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id=info:doi10.4225/72/56E824909DBC1&rft.title=Music of Indonesia and Malaysia&rft.identifier= collection of audio recordings, mostly of music and song from a range of languages. Indonesian recordings include song sand music from a variety of genres mainly recorded at specific events, lectures, history narratives. Sasak data includes music, song and description. Malaysian data includes radio recording of music and live musical performance. Languages recorded include Balinese (Bali), Batak Simalungan (Tumur, Simelungan), Indonesian (Indonesia), Malay (Malaysia), Sasak (Lombok, Indonesia). &rft.creator=David&; southlimit=-10.93; westlimit=95.21; eastLimit=141.01;&rft_subject=Bali&rft_subject=Balinese language&rft_subject=Batak Mandailing&rft_subject=Mandailing language&rft_subject=Batak Simalungun&rft_subject=Batak Simalungun&rft_subject=Batak Karo&rft_subject=Batak Karo language&rft_subject=English&rft_subject=English language&rft_subject=Indonesian&rft_subject=Indonesian language&rft_subject=Sasak&rft_subject=Sasak language&rft_subject=Sunda&rft_subject=Sundanese language&rft_subject=Malay&rft_subject=Malay (individual language)&rft_subject=Undetermined language&rft_subject=Unknown Language&rft_subject=No linguistic content&rft_subject=No linguistic content&rft_subject=Performing Arts and Creative Writing not elsewhere classified&rft_subject=STUDIES IN CREATIVE ARTS AND WRITING&rft_subject=PERFORMING ARTS AND CREATIVE WRITING&rft.type=dataset&rft.language=English Access the data


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Contact Information

Postal Address:
PARADISEC Sydney Unit: Sydney Conservatorium of Music, Rm 3019, Building C41, The University of Sydney, NSW, 2006, Phone +61 2 9351 1279. PARADISEC Melbourne Unit: School of Languages and Linguistics, University of Melbourne, +61 2 8344 8952 | PARADISEC Canberra Unit: College of Asia and the Pacific, The Australian National University, +61 2 6125 6115

Brief description

A collection of audio recordings, mostly of music and song from a range of languages. Indonesian recordings include song sand music from a variety of genres mainly recorded at specific events, lectures, history narratives. Sasak data includes music, song and description. Malaysian data includes radio recording of music and live musical performance. Languages recorded include Balinese (Bali), Batak Simalungan (Tumur, Simelungan), Indonesian (Indonesia), Malay (Malaysia), Sasak (Lombok, Indonesia).

Created: 04 06 2003

Data time period: 31 12 1969 to 31 01 1975

This dataset is part of a larger collection

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141.01,7.35 141.01,-10.93 95.21,-10.93 95.21,7.35 141.01,7.35


text: Indonesia

iso31661: ID

text: Malaysia

iso31661: MY