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A series of 11 Locks and Weirs along the River Murray are managed to provide stable water levels for irrigation and navigation, resulting in reduced hydrological variability and complexity. Flow stablisation favours species adapted to comparatively stable, lentic conditions and potentially limits the life history processes of native biota adapted to intermittent and lotic environments. Flow regulation contributes to reduced river-floodplain connectivity leading to a subsequent decline in riparian and floodplain vegetation. Various water level management interventions have been trialed along the River Murray to provide environmental benefits by restoring a greater range of water regimes. Weir pool surcharge is one method used to increase river channel water level variability and deliver water to temporary wetlands and lowlying floodplain. This can benefit vegetation that has reduced in condition, distribution and abundance because they are less tolerant of stable regulated conditions or have become water stressed as a result of a loss in river-floodplain connectivity or increased dry intervals between inundation events. This data set is the result of this investigation. The data was collected over 18 months between August 2015 and December 2016- before, during and after the weir pool levels were raised. The data set contains information on Tree Condition including crown extent and density, bark form, epicormic growth and state, reproduction, crown growth, leaf die off and damage, and mistletoe. Leaf Water Potential, taken predawn and in the middle of the day. Plant Area Index/Canopy Cover measurements using hemispherical photos. Soil Chemistry measurements- total soil moisture (gravimetric water content; %), soil suction (or soil matric potential), Electrical Conductivity and pHDate Submitted : 2019-09-13
Date Accepted : 2019-09-17
Data time period: 2015-08-12 to 2016-02-01
text: 9 Plots clustered in groups of 3 located between Renmark and Waikerie on the lower reaches of the Murray River in South Australia
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