
Molecular cell biology of hNP22: role in alcohol dependence [ 2002 - 2004 ]

Also known as: A novel gene associated with alcoholism

Research Grant

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Researchers: Peter Wilce (Principal investigator) ,  Paul Kroon

Brief description We used a differential screening procedure to detect changes in gene expression in the human alcoholic brain and described a novel gene, which we named hNP22, with increased expression in the superior frontal cortex of the alcoholic cases. This is the first report of a novel alcohol-responsive gene isolated from the human brain. We now propose to further explore the hNP22 gene, its product and its regulation in human brain tissue, and in a variety of experimental systems. We will determine how protein expression correlates with the level of alcohol consumption. We will use animal and cell culture models to determine the response of the gene to various stimuli. We will express the recombinant protein to determine its function. It is likely that the gene product may be a component in an important signal pathway within neuronal cells and thus may represent a novel target for therapeutic intervention.

Funding Amount $AUD 346,320.00

Funding Scheme NHMRC Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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