Brief description
These data describe the physicochemistry and metal content of soils collected from 11 sites around Casey and Wilkes stations in the Windmill Islands, East Antarctica during the 2017-2018 summer season for project AAS4326. Four metal fractions are reported in these data: (1) diffusive gradient in thin-film, DGT, labile fraction; (2) water-soluble fraction; (3) dilute-acid extractable fraction, and; (4) total recoverable metal fraction. The excel spreadsheet contains a number of worksheets which explain acronyms and units used as well as several sheets of data.Issued: 2020-06-29
Data time period: 2017-12-14 to 2018-02-10
text: northlimit=-66.256366; southlimit=-66.280948; westlimit=110.518796; eastLimit=110.544599; projection=WGS84
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- URI :
- Local : AAS_4326_DGT_Soil_Deployments
- DOI : 10.26179/5EFA955AACC98
- global : 1efb42e0-de6e-49eb-9cae-fd5c2527c41f