
Metabolic complexes of the brush-border membrane [ 2009 - 2012 ]

Also known as: Metabolic complexes

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Stefan Broer (Principal investigator) ,  Dr David Breault (Funded by) ,  The Australian National University (Managed by)

Brief description Proteins form up to 25% of our diet. The first step in protein absorption is the digestion of protein into smaller units called peptides and amino acids. Both components are subsequently taken up by specialised cells in the wall of the intestine. In this project we plan to study how protein absorption occurs at the surface of these intestinal cells and investigate why this process fails in malabsorption syndromes, where the uptake of amino acids is impaired.

Funding Amount $AUD 295,887.04

Funding Scheme NHMRC Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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