
Men, Women and Ageing: Predictors of Ageing Well in the Australian Longitudinal Study on Womens Health and the Perth He [ 2006 - 2012 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Annette Dobson (Principal investigator) ,  Prof Graeme Hankey Prof Jonathan Adams Prof Julie Byles Prof Konrad Jamrozik
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Brief description Maintaining health and independent living are high priorities for Australia’s rapidly expanding older population. This project capitalizes on two existing large-scale studies, to increase our scientific understanding of strategies for maintaining the health and wellbeing of older people living in the community. Two separate longitudinal research projects, the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health involving over 12,000 older women selected from every part of Australia, and the Health in Men Study involving over 12,000 older men from Perth, Western Australia, have been following older Australians in order to determine what contributes to older people’s health and quality of life. The new project will combine data from these two studies. The two projects contain a breadth of data and can address the following questions: What health-related, personal, lifestyle and social factors predict survival and healthy non-disabled life in men and women aged 70-90 years? Do changes in lifestyle in older age (eg smoking cessation) affect length and quality of life? Who makes greatest use of health services, and who least, and how does this relate to health outcomes?How are health and lifestyle factors related to social connectedness and independent living in older age? What health and lifestyle factors predict positive mental health in older age? How are older men’s and women’s lifestyles and health status different, and how are they the same? Should health promotion programs in old age target men and women separately, or not?

Funding Amount $AUD 1,935,634.81

Funding Scheme Targeted Calls

Notes NHMRC-ARC Ageing Well Ageing Productively

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