
How do media campaigns and tobacco-relevant news coverage influence adolescent and adult smoking? [ 2008 - 2011 ]

Also known as: Media campaign effects on smoking

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Melanie Wakefield (Principal investigator) ,  A/Pr Matthew Spittal A/Pr Sarah Durkin Prof Mohammad Siahpush Prof Ron Borland
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Brief description The study will merge measures of exposure to televised anti-smoking advertising, press coverage about tobacco issues and other tobacco control policies with (a) an annually interviewed cohort of 2,000 adult smokers from 2002-2008 and (b) triennial surveys of smoking among adolescents 1993-2008 (n-150,000). Analysis will determine the role of anti-smoking advertising and tobacco-related press coverage in moving smokers towards quitting and changing adolescent smoking.

Funding Amount $AUD 411,177.33

Funding Scheme NHMRC Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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