
Mean hydrography on the continental shelf from 26 repeat glider deployments along Southeastern Australia

Australian Ocean Data Network
Schaeffer, Amandine ; Roughan, Moninya ; Austin, Tim ; Everett, Jason D. ; Griffin, David ; Hollings, Ben ; King, Edward ; Mantovanelli, Alessandra ; Milburn, Stuart ; Pasquer, Benedicte ; Pattiaratchi, Charitha ; Robertson, Robin ; Stanley, Dennis ; Suthers, Iain ; White, Dana
Viewed: [[ro.stat.viewed]] Cited: [[ro.stat.cited]] Accessed: [[ro.stat.accessed]]
ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id=info:doiDOI: 10.4225/69/573bf404dca24&rft.title=Mean hydrography on the continental shelf from 26 repeat glider deployments along Southeastern Australia&rft.identifier=DOI: 10.4225/69/573bf404dca24&rft.description=Between 2008 and 2015, 26 glider missions have been undertaken along the continental shelf of southeastern Australia. Typically these missions have spanned the continental shelf on the inshore edge of the East Australian Current from 29.5-33.5oS. This comprehensive dataset of over 33,600 CTD casts from the surface to within 5 m of the bottom in water depths ranging 25-200 m provides new and unprecedented high resolution observations of the properties of the continental shelf waters adjacent to a western boundary current, straddling the region where is separates from the coast. We present gridded mean fields for temperature, salinity and density, but also dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll-a fluorescence indicative of phytoplankton biomass. This data is presented both as means and for each deployment. The results are gridded onto a grid of 16 cell of 0.25 degrees of latitude and 5 cells in longitude following the 20,50,80,110,140 ,200 isobaths across the shelf .Maintenance and Update Frequency: notPlannedStatement: QCed delayed mode data from 26 glider missions operated by the IMOS Ocean Gliders facility were used in this dataset ( Mean profiles were computed for each bin and each of the 26 glider missions. Mean profiles were also computed from the average over all glider missions.&rft.creator=Schaeffer, Amandine &rft.creator=Roughan, Moninya &rft.creator=Austin, Tim &rft.creator=Everett, Jason D. &rft.creator=Griffin, David &rft.creator=Hollings, Ben &rft.creator=King, Edward &rft.creator=Mantovanelli, Alessandra &rft.creator=Milburn, Stuart &rft.creator=Pasquer, Benedicte &rft.creator=Pattiaratchi, Charitha &rft.creator=Robertson, Robin &rft.creator=Stanley, Dennis &rft.creator=Suthers, Iain &rft.creator=White, Dana &; southlimit=-33.50; eastlimit=154.00; northlimit=-29.500000000000004&rft.coverage=westlimit=151.00; southlimit=-33.50; eastlimit=154.00; northlimit=-29.500000000000004&rft.coverage=uplimit=200; downlimit=0&rft.coverage=uplimit=200; downlimit=0&rft_rights= Graphic&rft_rights=Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License&rft_rights= Text&rft_rights=This is the bibliographic reference for the dataset and this metadata record that describes it: Schaeffer, A., Roughan, M., Austin, T., Hollings, B., King, E., Mantovanelli, A., Milburn, S., Pasquer, B., Pattiaratchi, C., Robertson, R., Stanley, D., Suthers, I., & White, D. (2016), Mean hydrography on the continental shelf from 26 repeat glider deployments along Southeastern Australia. Australian Ocean Data Network - DOI: 10.4225/69/573bf404dca24 ( use of this data must also be acknowledged using the following statement: Data was sourced from the Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) - IMOS is a national collaborative research infrastructure, supported by the Australian Government.&rft_rights=Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License SCIENCE&rft_subject=OCEANS&rft_subject=SALINITY/DENSITY&rft_subject=WATER TEMPERATURE&rft_subject=OCEAN TEMPERATURE&rft_subject=WATER DEPTH&rft_subject=BATHYMETRY/SEAFLOOR TOPOGRAPHY&rft_subject=FLUORESCENCE&rft_subject=OCEAN OPTICS&rft_subject=OXYGEN&rft_subject=OCEAN CHEMISTRY&rft_subject=CHLOROPHYLL&rft_subject=SALINITY&rft_subject=Fluorometers&rft_subject=CTD (Conductivity-Temperature-Depth Profilers)&rft_subject=Global / Oceans | Pacific Ocean&rft_subject=Regional Seas | Tasman Sea&rft_subject=Countries | Australia&rft_subject=States, Territories (Australia) | New South Wales&rft_subject=IMOS Facility | ANFOG | Australian National Facility for Ocean Glider&rft_subject=Marine Features (Australia) | East Australian Current&rft_subject=Physical Oceanography&rft_subject=Temperature of the water body&rft_subject=Practical salinity of the water body&rft_subject=Density of the water body&rft_subject=Concentration of chlorophyll per unit volume of the water body&rft_subject=Concentration of oxygen {O2} per unit volume of the water body&rft_subject=Depth&rft.type=dataset&rft.language=English Access the data

Licence & Rights:

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License


License Graphic

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License



License Text

This is the bibliographic reference for the dataset and this metadata record that describes it: Schaeffer, A., Roughan, M., Austin, T., Hollings, B., King, E., Mantovanelli, A., Milburn, S., Pasquer, B., Pattiaratchi, C., Robertson, R., Stanley, D., Suthers, I., & White, D. (2016), Mean hydrography on the continental shelf from 26 repeat glider deployments along Southeastern Australia. Australian Ocean Data Network - DOI: 10.4225/69/573bf404dca24 (

Any use of this data must also be acknowledged using the following statement: "Data was sourced from the Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) - IMOS is a national collaborative research infrastructure, supported by the Australian Government."



Brief description

Between 2008 and 2015, 26 glider missions have been undertaken along the continental shelf of southeastern Australia. Typically these missions have spanned the continental shelf on the inshore edge of the East Australian Current from 29.5-33.5oS. This comprehensive dataset of over 33,600 CTD casts from the surface to within 5 m of the bottom in water depths ranging 25-200 m provides new and unprecedented high resolution observations of the properties of the continental shelf waters adjacent to a western boundary current, straddling the region where is separates from the coast. We present gridded mean fields for temperature, salinity and density, but also dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll-a fluorescence indicative of phytoplankton biomass. This data is presented both as means and for each deployment. The results are gridded onto a grid of 16 cell of 0.25 degrees of latitude and 5 cells in longitude following the 20,50,80,110,140 ,200 isobaths across the shelf .


Maintenance and Update Frequency: notPlanned
Statement: QCed delayed mode data from 26 glider missions operated by the IMOS Ocean Gliders facility were used in this dataset ( Mean profiles were computed for each bin and each of the 26 glider missions. Mean profiles were also computed from the average over all glider missions.


Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS)

Created: 17 05 2016

Data time period: 2008-11-25 to 2015-12-02

This dataset is part of a larger collection

154,-29.5 154,-33.5 151,-33.5 151,-29.5 154,-29.5


text: westlimit=151.00; southlimit=-33.50; eastlimit=154.00; northlimit=-29.500000000000004

text: uplimit=200; downlimit=0

Other Information
(Data paper in Scientific Data)

uri :

  • global : 554ff716-8584-4c60-b183-89da8cbc1d29