
Marion Island female Antarctic fur seal geolocation tracking data

Australian Ocean Data Network
Lea, M.A., Hindell, M.A., Arthur, B., Bester, M., de Bruyn, P.J.N. and Oosthuizen, C. ; LEA, MARY-ANNE ; HINDELL, MARK A. ; BESTER, MARTHAN ; DE BRUYN, PJ NICO ; OOSTHUIZEN, CHRIS ; ARTHUR, BENJAMIN
Viewed: [[ro.stat.viewed]] Cited: [[ro.stat.cited]] Accessed: [[ro.stat.accessed]]
ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id=Dataset DOI&rft.title=Marion Island female Antarctic fur seal geolocation tracking data&rft.identifier=Dataset DOI&rft.publisher=Australian Antarctic Data Centre&rft.description=To quantify the post-breeding movements of adult female Antarctic females (Arctocephalus gazella) we tracked females using Biotrack GLS (geolocation) data loggers. Females were captured towards the end of the lactation period (March/April) and the GLS tag, affixed to a Dalton flipper tag, was deployed in the trailing edge of the left or right foreflipper. Tags were generally retrieved just prior to or after giving birth the following season. Data files were extracted from the tags using BASTrak software. .lig - light data .tem - temperature data .act - activity data Metadata for each individual include: Site, year, GLS ID, sex, age, deployment site, lat and long of deployment site, flipper tag number, deployment and retrieval times (GMT).Progress Code: completed&rft.creator=Lea, M.A., Hindell, M.A., Arthur, B., Bester, M., de Bruyn, P.J.N. and Oosthuizen, C. &rft.creator=LEA, MARY-ANNE &rft.creator=HINDELL, MARK A. &rft.creator=BESTER, MARTHAN &rft.creator=DE BRUYN, PJ NICO &rft.creator=OOSTHUIZEN, CHRIS &rft.creator=ARTHUR, BENJAMIN &; southlimit=-37.8681; eastlimit=46.8853; northlimit=-37.8681&rft.coverage=westlimit=46.8853; southlimit=-37.8681; eastlimit=46.8853; northlimit=-37.8681&rft_rights=This metadata record is publicly available.&rft_rights=These data are publicly available for download from the provided URL.&rft_rights= data set conforms to the CCBY Attribution License ( Please follow instructions listed in the citation reference provided at when using these data. Network Graphic&rft_rights= Commons by Attribution logo&rft_rights=Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)&rft_rights=Legal code for Creative Commons by Attribution 4.0 International license&rft_rights=Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)&rft_rights= Access the data

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Brief description

To quantify the post-breeding movements of adult female Antarctic females (Arctocephalus gazella) we tracked females using Biotrack GLS (geolocation) data loggers. Females were captured towards the end of the lactation period (March/April) and the GLS tag, affixed to a Dalton flipper tag, was deployed in the trailing edge of the left or right foreflipper. Tags were generally retrieved just prior to or after giving birth the following season. Data files were extracted from the tags using BASTrak software.

.lig - light data
.tem - temperature data
.act - activity data

Metadata for each individual include:
Site, year, GLS ID, sex, age, deployment site, lat and long of deployment site, flipper tag number, deployment and retrieval times (GMT).


Progress Code: completed

Data time period: 2008-04-05 to 2008-12-14

Data time period: 2009-04-07 to 2009-12-17



text: westlimit=46.8853; southlimit=-37.8681; eastlimit=46.8853; northlimit=-37.8681

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