Brief description
Underwater video samples were obtained from the Deep Underwater Camera II (DUCII) system. Data are in mpeg video format. Samples were named by: 1. CEAMARC site (e.g. 16) 2. Instrument (e.g. camera = CAM) 3. Sequence of deployments through the survey overall (e.g. first deployment = 01; second deployment = 02) e.g. 09CAM05 is the fifth camera deployment of the survey overall, and was at CEAMARC site 09. Post-cruise analyses: 15 second logging of seabed geology and biology (species, class, order, whatever is significant for the habitat) directly into GNAV software for overlay into a GIS.Lineage
Progress Code: completedData time period: 2007-12-16 to 2008-01-28
text: westlimit=139.333; southlimit=-67.051; eastlimit=145.333; northlimit=-65.812
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