Viewed: [[ro.stat.viewed]] Cited: [[ro.stat.cited]] Accessed: [[ro.stat.accessed]]
ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id= Sediments database (MARS) (GA)&rft.identifier=865e5c88-b2db-44a4-a0d7-d0299141bbf6&rft.publisher=Australian Ocean Data Network&rft.description=The MARine Sediment (MARS) database contains detailed information on seabed sediment characteristics for samples collected from Australia's marine jurisdiction, including the Australian Antarctic Territory. It also includes the Geat Barrier Reef (GBR). It is an important scientific resource that includes survey and sample information such as locations, water depths and sample descriptions. Data are also provided from quantitative analyses of the sediments, such as grain size, mud, sand, gravel and carbonate concentrations, mineralogy, age determinations, geochemical properties, and physical attributes for down-core samples including bulk density, p-wave velocity, porosity and magnetic susceptibility. Images and graphics are presented, where available. MARS currently holds >40,000 sample and sub-sample records, and approximately 200,000 records describing the characteristics of these samples. New data are being added as they become available. It includes: Core, Dredge, Grab, Water, Column and Camera samples. Format: Data can be downloaded in CSV format for: - All sample data, - CaCO3 as mud/sand/gravel/bulk, - CaCO3 +grain size as mud/sand/gravel/[bulk|mean], - Grain size as mud/sand/gravel/mean, - Grain size for laser, - Grain size all, - Minerals with method of ICP-MS/XRF - Salinity. The full database is a 500 MB CSV. For the eAtlas the CaCO3 +grain size as mud/sand/gravel/[bulk|mean] CSV file was downloaded and converted to a shapefile for visualisation. This is available for download from this record. This metadata is not an authoritative source and was developed for the eAtlas. Please check or contact Geoscience Australia for authoritative metadata. The original data is available for download via the Marine Sediments (MARS) Database Search ( The full database contains samples of the following type (this list is taken for data from 2010 - 2015): PROPERTY UOM Ag ppm Al mg/kg Al2O % Al2O3 w% Al2O3 % As ppm As mg/kg Authigenic-P umol/g Ba ppm Be ppm Bi ppm Ca mg/kg CaCO3 % CaO w% CaO % carbonate content % Cd ppm Cd mg/kg Ce ppm Chlorin index Chlorophyll a ug/g Chlorophyll b ug/g Chlorophyll c ug/g Cl ppm Co mg/kg Co ppm Cr mg/kg Cr ppm Cs ppm Cu mg/kg Cu ppm delta 13C o/oo delta 15N o/oo Detrital-P umol/g Dy ppm Er ppm Eu ppm Fe mg/kg Fe2O3 % Fe2O3TOT w% Ga ppm Ga mg/kg Gd ppm Ge ppm grain size % grain size um grain size No unit grain size m2/g Hf ppm Ho ppm K2O w% K2O % La ppm Lu ppm Mg mg/kg MgO w% MgO % MINERAL w% MLOI w% Mn mg/kg MnO w% MnO % Mo ppm Mo mg/kg Na2O w% Na2O % Nb ppm Nd ppm Ni mg/kg Ni ppm O2 mmol/m2/d Organic-P umol/g Oxide Associated-P umol/g P mg/kg P2O5 w% P2O5 % Pb ppm Pb mg/kg pH Phaeophytin ug/g porosity % Pr ppm Rb ppm S mg/kg salinity Sb ppm Sc ppm Sc % Se mg/kg SiO2 w% SiO2 % Sm ppm Sn ppm SO3 w% SO3 % SOD %/g/d specific surface area m2/g Sr ppm Ta ppm Tb ppm TCO2 mmol/m2/d Th ppm TiO2 w% TiO2 % TKN % TN % TOC % Total sediment metabolism umol/cm3/d Total sediment metabolism umol/g/d U ppm V mg/kg V ppm W ppm Water temperature degC Y ppm Yb ppm Zn mg/kg Zn ppm Zr ppm&rft.creator=Anonymous&; southlimit=-74.8828125; eastlimit=179.296875; northlimit=-5.625&rft.coverage=westlimit=100.1953125; southlimit=-74.8828125; eastlimit=179.296875; northlimit=-5.625&rft_rights= Graphic&rft_rights=Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia License&rft_rights= Text&rft_rights=Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia License Access the data

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Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia License


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Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia License



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Brief description

The MARine Sediment (MARS) database contains detailed information on seabed sediment characteristics for samples collected from Australia's marine jurisdiction, including the Australian Antarctic Territory. It also includes the Geat Barrier Reef (GBR). It is an important scientific resource that includes survey and sample information such as locations, water depths and sample descriptions. Data are also provided from quantitative analyses of the sediments, such as grain size, mud, sand, gravel and carbonate concentrations, mineralogy, age determinations, geochemical properties, and physical attributes for down-core samples including bulk density, p-wave velocity, porosity and magnetic susceptibility. Images and graphics are presented, where available. MARS currently holds >40,000 sample and sub-sample records, and approximately 200,000 records describing the characteristics of these samples. New data are being added as they become available. It includes: Core, Dredge, Grab, Water, Column and Camera samples. Format: Data can be downloaded in CSV format for: - All sample data, - CaCO3 as mud/sand/gravel/bulk, - CaCO3 +grain size as mud/sand/gravel/[bulk|mean], - Grain size as mud/sand/gravel/mean, - Grain size for laser, - Grain size all, - Minerals with method of ICP-MS/XRF - Salinity. The full database is a 500 MB CSV. For the eAtlas the "CaCO3 +grain size as mud/sand/gravel/[bulk|mean]" CSV file was downloaded and converted to a shapefile for visualisation. This is available for download from this record. This metadata is not an authoritative source and was developed for the eAtlas. Please check or contact Geoscience Australia for authoritative metadata. The original data is available for download via the Marine Sediments (MARS) Database Search ( The full database contains samples of the following type (this list is taken for data from 2010 - 2015): PROPERTY UOM Ag ppm Al mg/kg Al2O % Al2O3 w% Al2O3 % As ppm As mg/kg Authigenic-P umol/g Ba ppm Be ppm Bi ppm Ca mg/kg CaCO3 % CaO w% CaO % carbonate content % Cd ppm Cd mg/kg Ce ppm Chlorin index Chlorophyll a ug/g Chlorophyll b ug/g Chlorophyll c ug/g Cl ppm Co mg/kg Co ppm Cr mg/kg Cr ppm Cs ppm Cu mg/kg Cu ppm delta 13C o/oo delta 15N o/oo Detrital-P umol/g Dy ppm Er ppm Eu ppm Fe mg/kg Fe2O3 % Fe2O3TOT w% Ga ppm Ga mg/kg Gd ppm Ge ppm grain size % grain size um grain size No unit grain size m2/g Hf ppm Ho ppm K2O w% K2O % La ppm Lu ppm Mg mg/kg MgO w% MgO % MINERAL w% MLOI w% Mn mg/kg MnO w% MnO % Mo ppm Mo mg/kg Na2O w% Na2O % Nb ppm Nd ppm Ni mg/kg Ni ppm O2 mmol/m2/d Organic-P umol/g Oxide Associated-P umol/g P mg/kg P2O5 w% P2O5 % Pb ppm Pb mg/kg pH Phaeophytin ug/g porosity % Pr ppm Rb ppm S mg/kg salinity Sb ppm Sc ppm Sc % Se mg/kg SiO2 w% SiO2 % Sm ppm Sn ppm SO3 w% SO3 % SOD %/g/d specific surface area m2/g Sr ppm Ta ppm Tb ppm TCO2 mmol/m2/d Th ppm TiO2 w% TiO2 % TKN % TN % TOC % Total sediment metabolism umol/cm3/d Total sediment metabolism umol/g/d U ppm V mg/kg V ppm W ppm Water temperature degC Y ppm Yb ppm Zn mg/kg Zn ppm Zr ppm

This dataset is part of a larger collection

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179.29688,-5.625 179.29688,-74.88281 100.19531,-74.88281 100.19531,-5.625 179.29688,-5.625


text: westlimit=100.1953125; southlimit=-74.8828125; eastlimit=179.296875; northlimit=-5.625

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(eAtlas Web Mapping Service (WMS) (AIMS))

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(Marine Sediment Database Search and Data Download portal (GA))

uri :

("CaCO3 +grain size as mud/sand/gravel/ (bulk|mean)" converted to Shapefile as of 26/3/2015. Includes original CSV and processing description.)

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