
Mapping the TNF Pathway: A qualitative and quantative molecular analysis of the components and post-translational modifications involved in physiological and pathological TNFR1 signalling [ 2012 - 2014 ]

Also known as: Molecular Analysis of Physiological and Pathological TNF Signalling

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof John Silke (Principal investigator) ,  Dr Andrew Webb Prof Anthony Purcell

Brief description TNF is a master regulator of the inflammation response and dysregulated TNF signalling causes many human diseases. We will use a cutting edge mass spectrometry technique that we have developed to analyse molecules required for TNF signalling. Understanding how the TNF signalling works in all cell types and with different forms of ligands will open up therapeutic opportunities to selectively target TNF signalling in inflammatory diseases, such as Rheumatoid Arthritis and Cancer.

Funding Amount $AUD 636,257.98

Funding Scheme Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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