Brief description
A series of short field surveys in Jervis Bay, New South Wales, were undertaken by Geoscience Australia staff as part of the Surrogates Program in the Commonwealth Environmental Research Facilities (CERF) Marine Biodiversity Hub. The aim of the Jervis Bay field work was to collect accurately co-located physical and biological data to enable research into the utility of physical parameters as surrogates for patterns of benthic biodiversity in shallow soft-sediment habitats. In this report the survey design and sampling methods are described; selected field datasets are mapped and discussed; initial results of the laboratory analysis of seabed samples are presented; and there is a brief description of the upcoming analysis of covariance of the physical and biological datasets. The major outputs of the survey work to date are: 1. High-resolution multibeam acoustic datasets for priority areas along the open coast of Jervis Bay (Beecroft Head to Drum and Drumsticks), within the Jervis Bay National Park; and within the southern bay around Darling Road, and in the bay entrance. 2. High quality underwater video footage of benthic habitats in the Darling Road study area acquired with Geoscience Australia's shallow-water towed-video system. The video was used to characterise benthic habitat types, relief/bedform types, and biota occurrence. Characterisations were collected in real-time along bi-directional (six offshore and four alongshore) towed video transects, and were subsequently processed and mapped into three ArcGIS map layers. 3. A set of broad-scale (bay-wide) widely-spaced, co-located sediment and biotic (infauna) seabed samples from the bay's soft-sediment habitats (polychaete mounds, drift algal beds, sand flats, and sand ripple and wave habitats); 4. Sediment samples for geochemical, biogeochemical and sedimentological analyses. 5. A new acoustic doppler current profiler was successfully trialed, and is now being used to collect seabed current data in the Darling Road study area. 6. A progress report on the survey work was presented at the annual CERF Marine Biodiversity Hub's Annual Science Workshop in October 2008.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: unknownIssued: 2009
text: westlimit=150.7014; southlimit=-35.1345; eastlimit=150.772; northlimit=-35.0875
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