Brief description
Location and Estimated Period of Humpback Whale Activity in WA (DoIR (Department of Industry and Resources, WA, 2003). The Map relates to migration behaviour of the Humpback Whale(Megaptera novaeangliae), notable for their long flippers, complex 'songs' and frequent aerial behaviours. The periods for resting and calving shown are estimated peak migration periods. Actual timing of annual migration may vary by as much as 3 weeks from year to year due to food availability in the Antarctic. The major calving ground identified is situated in the Kimberly region - Camden Sound.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: unknown
Statement: Original record compiled for the Western Australian Marine Science Institution (WAMSI), Project 3.8, 2008. Originally sourced from DEWHA EPBC Referrals online (April, 2008). Metadata information generated from citations in referrals. Date range from citation date. Abstract derived from citation title only. Spatial extent derived from referral area of interest.
CreditDepartment of Industry and Resources (DoIR), WA
Modified: 06 2008
Data time period: 2003 to 2003
text: westlimit=111; southlimit=-35; eastlimit=129; northlimit=-13
Other Information
- global : 516811d7-cb65-207a-e0440003ba8c79dd