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Companion dataset to the paper: Monte Carlo Simulations for Uncertainty Estimation in 3D Geological Modeling, A Guide for Disturbance Distribution Selection and Parameterization, Evren Pakyuz-Charrier, Mark Lindsay, Vitaliy Ogarko, Jeremie Giraud, Mark Jessell This dataset contains three archives pertaining to Monte Carlo Uncertainty Estimation (MCUE) in implicit 3D geological models: 1. Mansfield_Base.7z is a GeoModeller three dimensional model of the Mansfield syncline area (Victoria, Australia). This model is natively available in every GeoModeller install under the name of "Tutorial case study H". 2. MCUE_Mansfield_nopoletransform.7z is the MCUE output for non pole transfomed foliations. 3. MCUE_Mansfield_poletransform.7z is the MCUE output for non transfomed foliations. In the output archive files: - xml files are the GeoModeller project saves, these can be opened with Intrepid's free viewer for GeoModeller 3.3 3.4 (available @: http://www.intrepid-geophysics.com/ig/index.php?page=geomodeller-update) - .vo, .isi and .vop1 files are the lithological voxet exports in binary GOCAD format, these can be opened with the aforementionned viewer or Geocando (available @: https://sourceforge.net/projects/geocando) - .vtk files are the MCUE uncertainty indexes outputs, these can be opened with Paraview (available @:https://www.paraview.org/download) - .csv file is the MCUE probabilistic model output, it can be opened with any text editor /spreadsheetIssued: 2017-08-24
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- DOI : 10.5281/ZENODO.848225
- global : c6fbeda6-0b07-490d-8744-1d1217471b2c