Brief description
As its name suggests, management strategy evaluation (MSE) provides the opportunity for managers to evaluate the performance of alternative natural resource management strategies by comparison among indicators of social, economic and environmental performance. One of the primary difficulties faced when comparing these indicators is the sheer volume of data which needs to be assimilated. In the case of the North West Shelf Joint Environmental Management Study (NWSJEMS) the combination of three operating models, three development scenarios and three management strategies offers a total of twenty seven possible alternatives for evaluation. For the NWSJEMS an agent based computer program, InVitro, was used to model the impact of future development in the North West Shelf. As InVitro has stochastic components it was necessary to have multiple instances of model runs using the same initial model parameters, a process which creates enormous quantities of data. Two software packages were developed for dealing with NWSJEMS data. The first, ViewNWS, is specifically tailored for use by environmental managers needing to have an overall comparison of alternative management outcomes. It uses pre-packaged, processed data produced by InVitro and has a straightforward graphical user interface (GUI). The second software package, the NWS Technical User Interface, is targeted at modellers and programmers. It allows the user to visualise raw model output to allow rapid model and parameter changes.Lineage
Maintenance and Update Frequency: unknown
Statement: Original record compiled for the Western Australian Marine Science Institution (WAMSI), Project 3.8, 2008.
CreditB. Hatfield
L. Thomas
L. Thomas
R. Scott
R. Scott
Modified: 06 2008
Data time period: 2000-07-01 to 2007-06-30
text: westlimit=114; southlimit=-24; eastlimit=122; northlimit=-17
Other Information
North West Shelf Joint Environmental Management Study
- global : 516811d7-cd36-207a-e0440003ba8c79dd