Brief description
This dataset is a collection of vegetation surveys across a series of non-random sites on Macquarie Island. Vascular plant species cover was recorded in quadrats during the summer of 2017/2018. This is vegetation surveys undertaken on Macquarie Island at sites of key ecological interests, as part of AAS 4305 Species cover of vascular plants, bare ground and bryophytes is documented for each quadrat. There were three different observers. Invertebrates were sampled at invertebrate site, skuas at skua site, burrowing petrel sites includes sites where burrowing petrels were absent The data contains the following fields: Unique quadrat identifier Latitude of site centroid Longitude of site centroid quadrat: Quadrat number at each site area: Quadrat area size either: 1m2 or 100m2 shape: Quadrat shape either: square or circle GPSacc Whether GPS coords relates to site (y) or general area (n) date: Date of survey obs: Data collection by: Melissa Houghton (MH), Toby Travers (TT) or Jez Bird (JB) Study site: Describes the motivation behind the site selection. species: Species, taxonomic group or ground feature cover: Cover class: 0 (not present), 1 (less than 5%), 2 (5-25%), 3 (25-50%), 4 (50-75%), 5 (75-100%) peat_depth: Peat Depth (m) veg_height: Vegetation height (m)Issued: 2021-08-10
Data time period: 2017-01-01 to 2019-02-01
text: northlimit=-54.47802; southlimit=-54.78168; westlimit=158.75244; eastLimit=158.96942; projection=WGS84
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- URI :
- Local : AAS_4305_veg_surveys
- DOI : 10.26179/MPV0-N622
- global : 33a13fd5-0c16-473c-a038-ca05349732db