Brief description
Lung Segmentation Data Kit is a collection of 385 Chest X-Rays (CXRs) and corresponding lung masks included in both Japanese Society of Radiological Technology (JSRT) and Montgomery dataset. The CXRs included in Montgomery set, as well as their masks, are augmented and resized to the standard JSRT resolution of 2048x2048 pixels. The intensity values of CXR images included in JSRT set are normalised to the intensity values of images included in Montgomery set.The dataset was created in order to train and test Machine Learning based Lung Segmentation Methods on a single unified and denoted dataset instead of two separate ones. The Data Kit provides the end user with more diverse but unified dataset that resembles to the real-life situations.
Available: 2019-01-24
Clinical Sciences |
Lung Segmentation, JSRT, Montgomery |
Medical and Health Sciences |
Radiology and Organ Imaging |
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- Local : 102.100.100/77474
- DOI : 10.25919/5c49548be0551