
LSNG10-20120820 - Némé language wordlists

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ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Adc&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2FANDS&rft_id=info:doi10.26278/4X8B-NQ45&rft.title=LSNG10-20120820 - Némé language wordlists&rft.identifier= wordlist recordings were made under Warapa’s house with three Némé speaking men, Maya (the oldest, c. 55?), Sami and Yäni, from the village of Keru (kəru) who had walked to Bimadbn in order to read the copy of Williams’ Papuans of the Trans-Fly kept in the village. Recordings contain the basic Trans-Fly word-list with some excursions into paradigms (pronouns, intransitive ‘be’ and ‘come’ etc). Sound files up to 008 are from the morning session; those after are from the afternoon session. Others present for the recording: MB, Jimmy Nebni, Yokar (appeared later; can be heard prompting in Nambu), and various others drifting in and out through the session. Corresponding notebook pages are: N12FN120-134 for notes from morning session, N12FN136-143 for afternoon session.. Language as given: Némé&rft.creator=Anonymous&; southlimit=-8.948; westlimit=141.787; eastlimit=142.074&rft_rights=Access to the catalog entry is open, but access to records is only open to registered users&rft.type=dataset&rft.language=English Access the data

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These wordlist recordings were made under Warapa’s house with three Némé speaking men, Maya (the oldest, c. 55?), Sami and Yäni, from the village of Keru (kəru) who had walked to Bimadbn in order to read the copy of Williams’ "Papuans of the Trans-Fly" kept in the village. Recordings contain the basic Trans-Fly word-list with some excursions into paradigms (pronouns, intransitive ‘be’ and ‘come’ etc). Sound files up to 008 are from the morning session; those after are from the afternoon session. Others present for the recording: MB, Jimmy Nebni, Yokar (appeared later; can be heard prompting in Nambu), and various others drifting in and out through the session. Corresponding notebook pages are: N12FN120-134 for notes from morning session, N12FN136-143 for afternoon session.. Language as given: Némé

Created: 2012-08-20

Data time period: 2012 to ,

142.074,-8.563 142.074,-8.948 141.787,-8.948 141.787,-8.563 142.074,-8.563


ISO3166: PG

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