
Looking back to see the future: Change in the Lambert Glacier and the East Antarctic Ice Sheet [ 2003-01-01 - 2007-12-31 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: Coleman, Richard (Chief Investigator) ,  Coleman, Richard (Chief Investigator) ,  Coleman, Richard (Chief Investigator) ,  Derek Fabel (Chief Investigator) ,  Paul Tregoning (Chief Investigator)
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Brief description Looking back to see the future: Change in the Lambert Glacier and the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. To develop a comprehensive understanding of the Lambert Glacier of East Antarctica, from the time of the last maximum glaciation to the present, through an integrated and interdisciplinary study combining new field evidence - ice retreat history, geodetic measurements of crustal rebound, satellite measurements of present ice heights and changes therein - with other geological and glaciological data and numerical geophysical modelling advances. The project contributes to the quantitative characterisation of the complex interactions between ice-sheets, oceans and solid earth within the climate system. Outcomes have implications for geophysics, glaciology, geomorphology, climate, and past and future sea-level change.

Funding Amount $530,000

Funding Scheme Discovery Projects

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