
LoDoCo2 Low Dose Colchicine for secondary prevention in Stable Coronary Heart Disease (the LoDoCo2 Trial) [ 2015 - ]

Also known as: 5023779

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Peter Thompson (Principal investigator) ,  Dr Stefan Nidorf Prof John Eikelboom

Brief description We are conducting clinical trial in several thousand patients to assess the effect of a common, inexpensive and readily available anti-inflammatory drug, colchicine, on heart attack. Colchicine is widely used for treating gout, which is due to inflammation in joints. Since inflammation is an important process makes a cholesterol plaque unstable and can lead to coronary thrombosis and heart attack, we are hypothesising that cholesterol can limit this process.

Funding Amount $2,300,629.00

Funding Scheme Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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