
Linkage Projects - Grant ID: LP200100404 [ 2021-08-09 - 2025-08-08 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: Blanchard, Julia (Chief Investigator) ,  Blanchard, Julia (Chief Investigator) ,  Bowman, John, Assoc/Prof (Chief Investigator) ,  Bowman, John, Assoc/Prof (Chief Investigator) ,  Karen Alexander (Chief Investigator)
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Brief description Optimising feeds to support ecosystem-based aquaculture. This project aims to assess the global and local consequences of changing feeds in aquaculture by developing a new interdisciplinary sustainability assessment framework. The project expects to generate new methods to understand and predict local farm-to-ecosystem changes and global environmental footprints under contrasting feed and climate scenarios by integrating field data with novel experiments, modelling techniques and global mapping of terrestrial and marine feed raw materials and their impacts. Expected outcomes include new methods to assess ecological, social and economic trade-offs under different feeds to inform decision making in support of an ecosystem-based approach to aquaculture spanning global to local scales.

Funding Amount $720,000

Funding Scheme Linkage Projects

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