
Linkage Projects - Grant ID: LP190100398 [ 2020-11-25 - 2023-11-24 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: Aspa Baroutsis (Chief Investigator) ,  Glenda McGregor (Chief Investigator) ,  Prof Martin Mills (Partner Investigator)

Brief description Supporting teachers and teaching in flexible and non-traditional schools . This project aims to address a critical gap in knowledge about the experiences and conditions of people who teach in flexible and non-traditional schools in Australia. These schools provide a second chance at education for young people with challenging behaviours and/or learning problems. This project expects to generate new knowledge about the experiences and needs of these teachers, using a combination of in-depth research methods. Expected outcomes include detailed understanding of support needs for this workforce. This will significantly benefit teachers, sponsors and principals through recommendations on best practice management of this important work, along with evidence-based training artefacts for staff recruitment and retention.\n\n

Funding Amount $154,060

Funding Scheme Linkage Projects

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