
Linkage Projects - Grant ID: LP160101341 [ 2017-06-19 - 2023-05-30 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: A/Prof Debra Cushing (Chief Investigator) ,  Prof Laurie Buys (Chief Investigator) ,  Stewart Trost (Chief Investigator) ,  Tracy L. Sherwood Washington (Chief Investigator) ,  Mr Tobias Volbert (Partner Investigator)
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Brief description Intergenerational park design for active and engaged communities. This project will assess the opportunities and barriers for physical activity for intergenerational park users within South East Queensland. In 2015, approximately 80% of the world’s adolescents and 25% of adults were insufficiently active. Physical inactivity costs the Australian economy $13.8 billion annually, and contributes to the fourth leading cause of death worldwide. Local and neighbourhood parks can offer opportunities for all ages to be physically active and engage across generations, yet are often under-designed and under-utilised for physical activity. Evidence-based design guidelines for active intergenerational parks for use across Australia will lead to higher quality parks that more effectively encourage physical activity and improve health and wellbeing.

Funding Amount $240,000

Funding Scheme Linkage Projects

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