
Linkage Projects - Grant ID: LP140100574 [ 2015-06-30 - 2021-12-31 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: A/Prof James Hogan (Chief Investigator) ,  Margot Brereton (Chief Investigator) ,  Professor Daniel Johnson (Chief Investigator) ,  Dr Donald Syme (Partner Investigator) ,  Dr Sean O'Donoghue (Partner Investigator)
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Brief description Visual Analytics for Next Generation Sequencing. Next-generation sequencing technologies have brought a revolution in biology and healthcare, while taxing the ability of scientists and clinicians to identify and process relevant data, to make sense of it all and communicate it to others in a concise and meaningful way. This project aims to tackle this problem through fundamentally new approaches to data selection and visualisation at very large scale, actively encoding for insight into underlying biological and biomedical processes, bringing sustainable discovery of new relationships and variations within the data. The project aims to support new approaches to medical diagnosis and treatment, and offer crucial lessons to address the broader challenge of understanding large, complex data sets.

Funding Amount $360,000

Funding Scheme Linkage Projects

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