
Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities - Grant ID: LE150100155 [ 2015-01-01 - 2016-06-30 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: A/Prof Andrew Melatos (Chief Investigator) ,  Bryan Gaensler (Chief Investigator) ,  Dr Ramesh Bhat (Chief Investigator) ,  Dr Yuri Levin (Chief Investigator) ,  Linqing Wen (Chief Investigator)
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Brief description An Ultra-wideband Radio Receiver for the Parkes 64-metre Radio Telescope. An ultra-wideband radio receiver for the Parkes 64-metre radio telescope: This project aims to construct a state-of-the-art ultra-wide-band receiver and signal processing system for the Parkes 64-metre radio telescope. The receiver will operate across the entire 700 megahertz to four gigahertz band with outstanding sensitivity and polarimetric performance, providing a unique capability for high-time-resolution wide-bandwidth astronomy. It is expected to deliver enhanced science outcomes for a wide range of projects and greatly improve the telescope's operational efficiency, extending its lifetime into the Square Kilometre Array era. Key science projects include tests of theories of relativistic gravitation, including the search for gravitational waves, probing neutron star interiors and investigations of the magnetic structure of our galaxy.

Funding Amount $370,000

Funding Scheme Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities

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