Full description
Photographs of Maggio 'Eronte', by Giuseppe Coltelii, performed by the compagnia Piazza al Serchio at Gragnanella (LU) 19/7/1992. The Piazza al Serchio company performed regularly throughout the 1990s and early 2000s in the maggio series sponsored by the Centro Tradizioni Popolari della Provincia di Lucca. The text is based on chivalrous themes, and some of its history is traced in Barwick, L. (1994). The Filipino Komedya and the Italian Maggio: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Related Genres of Popular Music Theatre. In A. M. Gibbs (Ed.), Masks of Time: Drama and its Contexts (pp. 71-108). Canberra: Australian Academy of the Humanities. The same company and text also performed at Agliano LB2-92PIX06, and Varliano LB2-92PIX07 Performers: Eronte - re di Armenia - Luciano Tramontana Fidalma - sua sorella - Barbara Bertolucci Ernesto - fido del re - Andrea Bertei Arcario - soldato - Silvano Fontanini Re della Siria - Andrea Pietrini Leonide - sua figlia - Iole Paladini Adelmo - nipote del re - Giuseppe Malaspina Florindo - nipote del re - Mariano Giannetti Nildo - soldato - Leo Sarteschi Leonetto - figlio di Leonide e di Eronte - Mariano Giannetti suggeritore - Ferdinando Mori violinista - Alfredo Redenti fisarmonica - Giorgio Ennio . Language as given: Italian Reuse Information
Created: 1992-07-19
Data time period: 1992 to ,
ISO3166: IT
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- URI : catalog.paradisec.org.au/repository/LB2/92PIX02
- Local : LB2-92PIX02
- DOI : 10.4225/72/56F556878C5B2