Full description Background

A form of land tax was first imposed in Victoria in 1877, with the object of breaking up large holdings. The Land Tax Act 1877 (41 Vic., No.575) introduced land tax payable by owners of "landed estates". The Act provided for the appointment of Commissioners of Land Tax to oversee the classification (valuation) of land and to hear appeals against such classifications. The Act also provided for the appointment of a Registrar of Land Tax.

The Victorian Land Tax Act 1910 (No.2284) introduced a tax levied on the unimproved value of land. This Act removed the land tax levied under the existing Land Tax Act as from 27 August 1910.

The Federal Land Tax Act 1910 gave the Commonwealth Government power to levy a tax upon the unimproved capital value of all lands in Australia not specifically exempted, with the intention of breaking up large estates. Federal land tax was abolished in 1952.

As at 2001 land tax is levied annually on the unimproved value of all land owned by a taxpayer where the value of the land exceeds a specified value. Most public bodies and charities are exempt and concessions are available for certain pensioners and veterans.

The tax is collected by the State Revenue Office established under Administrative Arrangements Order No.106 effective from 28 April 1992. The Order effectively merged the Stamp Duties Office and State Taxation Office which were operating independently within the Department of the Treasury The Order also created the position of Commissioner of State Revenue to replace the positions of Commissioner of Taxation, Comptroller of Stamps, Commissioner of Pay-roll Tax, Commissioner of Land Tax, Commissioner of Probate Duties and Commissioner of Business Franchises

Data time period: 1877 to 2013

141.000000,-34.000000 142.919336,-34.145604 144.582129,-35.659230 147.742627,-35.873175 150.024219,-37.529041 150.200000,-39.200000 141.000000,-39.200000 141.000000,-34.000000 141.000000,-34.000000


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