
Kidskin: an intervention to reduce sun exposure in children [ 2000 - 2002 ]

Also known as: Kidskin: a trial to reduce sun exposure in children

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Dallas English (Principal investigator)

Brief description Melanoma is an important public health problem in Australia. Almost all melanoma is caused by exposure to sunlight, and childhood exposure appears to be particularly important. Thus, if we can reduce childhood exposure, we should ultimately be able to reduce the incidence of melanoma. Despite nation-wide campaigns such as SunSmart, children in Australia still get too much sun exposure. The school offers an ideal opportunity for implementing sun-safety campaigns in children. In 1995, we began the Kidskin study, which aims to develop, implement and test a school-based program to reduce sun exposure. Preliminary data from the study show that we successfully reduced exposure. However, we are not certain that we have reduced their risk of melanoma. To see if we have reduced the risk of melanoma, we are counting the children's moles. Moles are strongly related to melanoma, and are our best way of measuring actual risk of melanoma. If we are successful, it will be the first time anyone has shown that reducing exposure to sunlight during childhood will lead to a reduction in the incidence of melanoma in later life.

Funding Amount $AUD 307,775.37

Funding Scheme NHMRC Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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