Full description
Tape 28 side 1 1. 2/8 speaker: KA'O log 000-049 story 2 Kora log 049-076 (pidgin) tuni 3.Kora log 076-182 (pidgin) tuni 4. Kora log 182-245 (pidgin) tuni 5. Maninome (Banu) log 245-347 tuni 6 HENO (Heebo) log 347-363 story tape 28 side 2 1. 2/8 Maniname (Banu) log 000-262 tuni 2. log 262-272 Difimi female (Heg) pig spell b. log 272-283 tuni 3. log 283-345 [] Subane female tuni 4. log 345-441 [Haitu] (Heg) tuni 5. log 441-720 Hagenamo (Heg) Physical tape held at the ANU Pacific Archives, Collection and Item ID: AU ANUA 432-28.. Language as given: Foi Reuse Information
Created: 1980-02-08
Data time period: 1980 to ,
ISO3166: PG
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- URI : catalog.paradisec.org.au/repository/JW1/028
- Local : JW1-028
- DOI : 10.4225/72/56F554246A4B4