
Joint Committee on Law Reform, Drugs and Crime Prevention

Public Record Office Victoria
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The Law Reform, Drugs and Crime Prevention Committee was constituted under the Parliamentary Committees Act 2003.

The Law Reform, Drugs and Crime Prevention Committee is a former Joint Investigatory Committee of the 57th Parliament of Victoria. On the 21 April 2015 it merged with the Road Safety Committee and became the Law Reform, Road and Community Safety Committee.

The functions of the Law Reform, Drugs and Crime Prevention Committee are, if so required or permitted under this Act, to inquire into, consider and report to the Parliament on any proposal, matter or thing concerned with

(a) legal, constitutional or parliamentary reform
b) the administration of justice
c) law reform
d) the use of drugs, including the manufacture, supply or distribution of drugs
(e) the level or causes of crime or violent behaviour.

It is not a function of the Law Reform, Drugs and Crime Prevention Committee to inquire into, consider and report to the Parliament on any proposal, matter or thing concerned with-

(a) the joint standing orders of the Parliament
b) the standing orders or rules of practice of the Council or the Assembly.

Data time period: [2013 TO 2015]

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