
Joint Committee on Drugs and Crime Prevention (previously known as Crime Prevention Committee 1992-1996)

Public Record Office Victoria
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Establishment and Function

The Crime Prevention Committee was originally established under the Parliamentary Committees (Amendment) Act 1992 (No.64) which amended the Parliamentary Committees Act 1968. The purpose of the committee was to:

"inquire into, consider and report to the Parliament on any proposal, matter or thing concerned with the level or causes of crime or violent behaviour, if the Committee is required or permitted so to do by or under this Act." [new S.4EF].

This was one of three Committees established by this Act which effectively replaced the Social Development Committee (VA 3126). The other two committees were the Community Development Committee (VA 3128) and the Road Safety Committee (VA 3130).

The name of this Committee was changed to the Drugs and Crime Prevention Committee following the 1996 State Election, under amendments to the Parliamentary Committees Act originally established in Section 25 of the Parliament House Completion Authority Act 1996 (No.9). The purpose of the Committee was also redefined by the same legislation as to:

"inquire into, consider and report to the Parliament on any proposal, matter or thing concerned with the illicit use of drugs (including the manufacture, supply or distribution of drugs for such use) or the level or causes of crime or violent behaviour, if the Committee is required or permitted so to do by or under this Act." [new S.4EF].

Despite the changes to both the name and the purpose of this Committee, Section 25(2) of the Act stated that the Drugs and Crime Prevention Committee and the Crime Prevention Committee were to be regarded as the same body.

Joint Investigatory Committees

The Drugs and Crime Prevention Committee was a joint investigatory committee of the Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council. As such it could comprise no more than nine members of whom no more than two could be appointed by the Council and no less than two by the Assembly.

Since the 1992 Amendment Act, this Committee was also known as a Specific Purpose Committee of the Council and the Assembly. This distinguished the Drugs and Crimes Prevention Committee and other specific purpose committees (such as the Road Safety Committee) from the other, more widely ranging investigatory committees (such as the Community Development Committee) known as Joint House Committees of the Council and the Assembly.

As a joint investigatory committee, the Drugs and Crime Prevention Committee could inquire into matters referred to it by a resolution of either House or by order of the Governor-In-Council. It might also inquire into, consider or report to Parliament on any annual report or document relevant to its functions laid before either House. Recommendations made by the Drugs and Crime Prevention Committee (and any other joint investigatory committee other than the Public Bodies Review Committee) were not automatically accepted by Parliament. The responsible Minister, however, was required to table a report stating action to be taken regarding the recommendations within six months of the tabling of the report.

Location of Records

Records of the Drugs and Crime Prevention Committee (previously known as Crime Prevention Committee) transferred to the Public Record Office are listed below.

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Although records transferred from Parliament are available for public inspection, special access conditions apply. Such records are transferred to the Public Record Office on the understanding that they remain the property of the Parliament of Victoria. Parliamentary records are transferred on condition that all requests for access will be referred to the Clerk of the Legislative Council/Legislative Assembly as appropriate, for determination in each case.

Application to inspect the records should be made to the appropriate officer and written authorisation must be presented at the Public Record Office Search Rooms before records can be made available for inspection.

Data time period: [1992 TO 2013]

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