Brief description
This record describes expendable bathythermograph (XBT) and expendable conductivity-temperature-depth profiler (XCTD) data collected on the Japanese deep-sea research vessel Kairei voyage KR16-LHR, titled '2016FY Acquisition of deep seismic, shallow sub-surface and seafloor bathymetry Survey Data for the Lord Howe Rise (MCS, OBS).' The vessel conducted marine scientific research in the Australian EEZ between 23 March and 11 May 2016. The survey consisted of three legs: Leg1: 23 March - 30 March, Brisbane (QLD) to Brisbane Leg2: 2 April - 20 April, Brisbane to Brisbane Leg3: 22 April - 11 May, Brisbane to Brisbane A total of 1 XBT and 4 XCTD casts were conducted over the duration of this voyage: Type / Date / Time (UTC) / Latitude / Longitude / Type XBT T05 / 20160324 / 180644 / 27o22.9720S / 162o26.4646E XCTD CT2 / 20160402 / 224128 / 27o13.0832S / 155o33.4541E XCTD CT2 / 20160408 / 120230 / 27o23.0842S / 161o34.4947E XCTD CT2 / 20160415 / 022902 / 27o31.1244S / 160o10.1520E XCTD CT2 / 20160425 / 023019 / 26o25.6134S / 161o14.2481E Data are stored in ASCII and comma-separated files at CSIRO. Profile plots in PDF format are also part of the dataset. Additional information regarding this dataset is contained in the cruise summary report (see link below).Lineage
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(Information about the deep-sea research vessel Kairei)
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(R/V Kairei voyage KR16-05 Summary Report)
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(R/V Kairei voyage KR16-05 Cruise Report)
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(Data Research System for Whole Cruise Information (DARWIN) of the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Sciences (JAMSTEC))
- global : 27ee04c1-58bc-426e-b22f-bc6690074c25