Brief description
This repository contains data relating to the PhD thesis 'Investigating spatial aspects of the community-based management of a small-scale artisanal grouper fishery' by Peter Anthony Waldie.
Full description
The file ‘socioeconomic_data.csv’ contains data collected during household surveys, discussed in detail in chapter 2 of Peter Waldie’s PhD thesis. Columns within this database contain the following (described in the order which they appear):
- IntID – Unique identifier for each household survey
- Int – Interviewer (Peter Waldie [PW], Tapas Potuku [TP], Laurence Litou [LL])
- Date – Date of survey
- Location – The physical location of the household in question
- Age – The age of the self-identified head of household (i.e. interviewee)
- Clan – The primary clan affiliation of the interviewee
- Edu – The number of complete years of formal education completed by the interviewee
- Origin – The place of origin of the interviewee
- YrsHere – The number of years that the interviewee has resided within the study area (‘NA’ if interviewee has always resided within the study area)
- AdM – The number of adult males that reside within the household
- AdF – The number of adult females that reside within the household
- ChM – The number of male children (i.e., < 18 years old) that reside within the household
- ChF – The number of female children (i.e., < 18 years old) that reside within the household
- InhTot – The total number of people residing within the household
- HouseItem – The number of household items denoting wealth owned by members of the household
- BuildMat – The number of building materials denoting wealth used in the construction of the household dwelling
- Trans – Vehicles owned by members of the household (0 = none, 1 = unpowered dugout canoe, 2 = fibreglass vessel, 3 = fibreglass vessel with outboard motor)
- InvolveGen – Involvement in community decision making about general matters
- InvolveMar – Involvement in community decision making about matters specifically pertaining to the management of marine resources
- InvolveEvent – The number of community events attended in the previous 12 months
- AssocGen – The number of community organisations that members of the household are directly involved in
- AssocMar – The number of community organisations directly dealing with issues of marine resource management that members of the household are directly involved in
- TrustCom – The interviewees level of trust of other community members (1 = trust none, 2 = trust less than half, 3 = trust approximately half, 4 = trust more than half, 5 = trust all
- TrustLead – The interviewees level of trust of community leaders (1 = trust none, 2 = trust less than half, 3 = trust approximately half, 4 = trust more than half, 5 = trust all)
- TrustPolice – The interviewees level of trust of police officers (1 = trust none, 2 = trust less than half, 3 = trust approximately half, 4 = trust more than half, 5 = trust all)
- TrustLocal – The interviewees level of trust of members of local level government (1 = trust none, 2 = trust less than half, 3 = trust approximately half, 4 = trust more than half, 5 = trust all)
- TrustProv – The interviewees level of trust of members of provincial level government (1 = trust none, 2 = trust less than half, 3 = trust approximately half, 4 = trust more than half, 5 = trust all)
- TrustNat – The interviewees level of trust of members of national level government (1 = trust none, 2 = trust less than half, 3 = trust approximately half, 4 = trust more than half, 5 = trust all)
- NumLive – The number of different livelihoods conducted by members of the household
- PrimLive – The primary livelihood identified for the household
- FishRank – The ranked importance of fishing within the household relative to other identified livelihoods (lower numbers denote higher importance)
- FishPart – The number of household members that participate in fishing as a livelihood
- GleanRank – The ranked importance of gleaning within the household relative to other identified livelihoods (lower numbers denote higher importance)
- GleanPart – The number of household members that participate in gleaning as a livelihood
- NumGear – The number of different fishing gears utilised by members of the household
- TotLowTrip – The number of fishing trips conducted by members of the household in a low effort week
- TotAvgeTrip – The number of fishing trips conducted by members of the household in an average effort week
- TotHighTrip – The number of fishing trips conducted by members of the household in a high effort week
- PrimGear – The fishing gear most commonly utilised by members of the household
- PrimLowTrip – The number of fishing trips conducted by members of the household using the primary fishing gear in a low effort week
- PrimAvgeTrip – The number of fishing trips conducted by members of the household using the primary fishing gear in an average effort week
- PrimHighTrip – The number of fishing trips conducted by members of the household using the primary fishing gear in a high effort week
- PoorCatch – The number of fish captured during a poor fishing trip
- PoorEffort – The number of hours spent fishing during a poor fishing trip
- PoorValue – The value of a catch (in PGK) from a poor fishing trip
- AvgeCatch – The number of fish captured during an average fishing trip
- AvgeEffort – The number of hours spent fishing during an average fishing trip
- AvgeValue – The value of a catch (in PGK) from an average fishing trip
- GoodCatch – The number of fish captured during a good fishing trip
- GoodEffort – The number of hours spent fishing during a good fishing trip
- GoodValue – The value of a catch (in PGK) from a good fishing trip
- CatchEaten – The proportion of catch eaten by members of the household
- CatchGiven – The proportion of catch given away (without payment)
- CatchSold – The proportion of the catch sold
- Bols – Whether the interviewee was aware of the management area at Bolsurik (TRUE or FALSE)
- MngtType – The type of management that the interviewee believed was in place at Bolsurik
- MngOrg – The group that the interviewee believed was responsible for the management at Bolsurik
- Aware – The interviewee’s perceived awareness of the Bolsurik management area within the community (0 – no community members are aware of the management, 1 – a few community members are aware of the management, 2 – most community members are aware of the management, 3 – all community members are aware of the management)
- Poach – Whether the interviewee believed poaching had occurred within the Bolsurik management area within the past 3 years (0 – no poaching occured, 1 – a few community members participated in poaching, 2 – most community members participated in poaching, 3 – all community members participated in poaching)
- Seen – The number of instances of poaching personally witnessed by the interviewee in the past 3 years
- BolsTripNow – The number of fishing trips per month that the interviewee believed were currently conducted at the Bolsurik spawning aggregation
- BolsTrip10ya – The number of fishing trips per month that the interviewee believed were conducted at the Bolsurik spawning aggregation 10 years ago
- BolsTrip20ya – The number of fishing trips per month that the interviewee believed were conducted at the Bolsurik spawning aggregation 20 years ago
- ChangeRules – Whether the interviewee believed that they had the opportunity to change management rules at Bolsurik (Y – yes, N – no)
- ConfRes – Whether the interviewee believed a system existed to resolve conflicts and punish infringements on management rules
- HumanAgency – Whether the interviewee recognised that human impacts affected marine resources
- BolsEffectLive – The perceived effect of the Bolsurik management on the household’s livelihood (1 – major cost, 2 – minor cost, 3 – no effect, 4 – minor benefit, 5 – major benefit)
- BolsEffectCom – The perceived effect of the Bolsurik management on the community (1 – major cost, 2 – minor cost, 3 – no effect, 4 – minor benefit, 5 – major benefit)
- BolsEffectEnv – The perceived effect of the Bolsurik management on the environment (1 – major cost, 2 – minor cost, 3 – no effect, 4 – minor benefit, 5 – major benefit)
- OpenLocalUse – Whether the interviewee supported opening Bolsurik for local community harvest (Y – yes, N – no)
- OpenExUse – Whether the interviewee supported opening Bolsurik for harvest by people from outside the local community (Y – yes, N – no)
- LRFFTentry – The interviewee’s position on inviting the LRFFT to harvest Bolsurik at the time of the decision (AA – actively against, PA – passively against, N – neutral, PF – passively in favour, AF – actively in favour)
- LRFFTexit – The interviewee’s position on expelling the LRFFT from harvesting Bolsurik at the time of the decision (AA – actively against, PA – passively against, N – neutral, PF – passively in favour, AF – actively in favour)
- TambuPlace – The interviewee’s position on closing Bolsurik to all fishing at the time of the decision (AA – actively against, PA – passively against, N – neutral, PF – passively in favour, AF – actively in favour)
The files ‘demographics_Epoly.csv’ and ‘demographics_Efusco.csv’ contain data, for Epinephelus polyphekadion and E. fuscoguttatus respectively, collected during juvenile habitat surveys and from the local fishery, discussed in detail in chapters 3 and 4 of Peter Waldie’s PhD thesis. Columns within this database contain the following (described in the order which they appear):
- FishID – unique individual identifier; Length – total length (mm)
- Weight – wet weight (g); Gonad_Weight – wet weight of the whole gonad (g)
- Sex – sex as determined by gonad histology (M – male, F – female, I – immature, B – bisexual)
- Stage – most advanced germ cell identified during gonad histology
- Maturity – maturity as determined by gonad histology (im – immature, mat – mature)
- Rep-Phase – reproductive phase as determined by gonad histology; Otolith_Weight – whole otolith weight (g) Age_est – final age estimate from otolith section analyses
- Count1 – estimated age from the first otolith section analysis
- Count2 – estimated age from the second otolith section analysis
- Count3 – estimated age from the third otolith section analysis
- Date – date of capture.
The file ‘Social-ecological_data.csv’ contains the raw data, used for the comparison of social and ecological factors, as discussed in detail in chapter 6 of Peter Waldie’s PhD thesis. Columns within this database contain the following (described in the order which they appear):
- PU_ID – unique planning unit identifier
- TotalEffort – total fishing effort conducted within the planning unit (fisher-trips * yr-1)
- Pol_L_Sub50 – habitat suitability (as calculated by maxent) for E. polyphekadion smaller than the total length at 50 % female maturity
- Pol_L_Spr50 – habitat suitability (as calculated by maxent) for E. polyphekadion larger than the total length at 50 % female maturity
- Fus_L_Sub50 – habitat suitability (as calculated by maxent) for E. fuscoguttatus smaller than the total length at 50 % female maturity
- Fus_L_Spr50 – habitat suitability (as calculated by maxent) for E. fuscoguttatus larger than the total length at 50 % female maturity
- Clan – the clan tenure area which the planning unit lies within; Shape_Area – the total area of the planning unit (m2)
All datasets are in .csv format. The full description (data dictionary) is also included as a PDF file.
The related Dryad data package includes raw acoustic data, acoustic tagging data, visitation and migration data, stakeholder survey data and Data analysis R script associated with the Related Publication: Restricted grouper reproductive migrations support community-based management.
Created: 2017-02-02
Data time period: 2012 to 30 09 2016
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- DOI : 10.4225/28/589265F48183C
- Local :
- Local : 187d46a59de1610646ad899b70734b34