
International Evaluation of Algorithms for Mapping in Optically Shallow Waters [ 2008-01-01 - 2010-01-31 ]

Research Grant

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Researchers: A/Prof Mervyn Lynch (Chief Investigator) ,  Mr Christiaan Roelfsema (Chief Investigator) ,  Phinn, Stuart (Chief Investigator) ,  Phinn, Stuart (Chief Investigator) ,  Professor Stuart Phinn (Chief Investigator)
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Brief description International Evaluation of Algorithms for Mapping in Optically Shallow Waters. This work provides a means for Australian science and management agencies to apply a method for accurately mapping shallow coastal environments. The work will build Australian research capability by developing new collaborations among experienced researchers; as well as allowing the Australian teams to benchmark their proposed methods internationally. Nationally, the work will strengthen international research experience and generate opportunities for postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers to link into leading-edge international research networks. This work will also allow us to build strong ongoing collaborations between research teams in Australia and their counterparts overseas (specifically USA, Canada, UK and Germany).

Funding Amount $23,445

Funding Scheme Linkage - International

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