Researchers: Lenton, Andrew (Associated with) , Lynch, Tim (Associated with) , Matear, Richard (Associated with) , Vanderklift, Mat (Author) , Vanderklift, Mat, Dr (Author, Associated with)
Brief description Data was collected to: - characterise the distributions and abundances of herbivorous invertebrates (mainly sea urchins) and examine their trophic positions and diets, and - test the effect of Heliocidaris erythrogramma (sea urchin) and fish on macroalgal assemblages. Data were collected at various locations along the coast of SW Australia (see large thumbnail).
Lineage Maintenance and Update Frequency: notPlanned
Lineage Statement: See individual chapter methodology
Gary Kendrick - Supervisor
Data time period: 1999-01 to 2001-05
text: westlimit=114.97; southlimit=34.23; eastlimit=115.72; northlimit=30.27
text: uplimit=10; downlimit=5
(PhD thesis)
- global : 8a9db950-3033-11dc-95ce-00188b4c0af8