
Interactions between excretory-secretory proteins of the carcinogenic liver fluke and host cells [ 2010 - 2012 ]

Also known as: Liver fluke secretions

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Alexander Loukas (Principal investigator) ,  A/Pr Banchob Sripa A/Pr Jason Mulvenna Prof Malcolm Jones

Brief description Throughout East Asia, there is a strikingly high prevalence of cholangiocarcinoma (CCA - cancer of the bile ducts) in regions where the human liver fluke is endemic. How the parasite casues cancer is multi-factorial, but one suspected mechanism is via the secretion of parasite proteins that enter bile duct cells and cause them to proliferate. We aim to understand this process and ultimately develop new control strategies to reduce the prevalence or the infection and CCA.

Funding Amount $AUD 489,122.57

Funding Scheme NHMRC Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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