
Interaction between parathyroid hormone, sclerostin and the wingless pathway in abdominal aortic aneurysm [ 2012 - 2016 ]

Also known as: Examination of a novel pathway for artery weakening

Research Grant

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Researchers: Prof Jonathan Golledge (Principal investigator) ,  A/Pr Catherine Rush Prof Paul Norman Prof Philip Walker

Brief description Approximately 5% of men and 1% of women aged over 60 years develop weakening of the main abdominal artery. Currently the management of artery weakening is focused on surgery with no effective medications available. In this study we will assess the role of a novel pathway in artery weakening. Improved understanding of the mechanisms causing artery degeneration is crucial to target the development of better ways to treat this common problem.

Funding Amount $AUD 735,331.60

Funding Scheme Project Grants

Notes Standard Project Grant

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